made from the finest Japanese paper
Kaishi is a traditional Japanese multi-use paper. It can be used for writing, wiping, wrapping, laying out and all other purposes.

What is Kaishi?
Japanese traditional washi paper napkin
Kaishi is made from the finest Japanese paper “Iyo Washi” from the Ehime prefecture, which has a soft and gentle texture.
It has been used in Japan for a long time.
In the past, because there was no tissue or handkerchief, people carried Kaishi in a kimono pocket. Kaishi is compatible with all uses of writing, wiping, and wrapping.
At present, it is used as a substitute for napkins and handkerchiefs in high-end restaurants, and for wrapping sweets at tea ceremony. It can also be used as a memopad or a letter paper.
Japanese traditional soft paper napkin made with the finest Iyo-washi.

Unkin 雲錦文様

Temari 手毬に春秋文様

Nandina &Treasures
Kaishi with a cover

No.3001 (kaishi only)
No.3501 (with a cover)
Crane 鶴

No.3005 (kaishi only)
No.3502 (with a cover)
Rose バラ

No.3007 (kaishi only)
No.3503 (with a cover)
Strawberry イチゴ

No.3006 (kaishi only)
No.3504 (with a cover)
Cosmos コスモス

No.3014 (kaishi only)
No.3508 (with a cover)
Wagashi 和菓子

No.3015 (kaishi only)
No.3509 (with a cover)
Gold fish 金魚

No.3016 (kaishi only)
No.3510 (with a cover)
Ichimatsu 市松

No.3017 (kaishi only)
No.3511 (with a cover)
Tujigahana 辻ヶ花

No.3018 (kaishi only)
No.3512 (with a cover)
Golden Treasures 縞梅に宝尽し

No.3019 (kaishi only)
No.3513 (with a cover)
Genji 源氏香に春秋

No.3020 (kaishi only)
No.3514 (with a cover)
Golden Treasures 縞梅に宝尽し

No.3036 (kaishi only)
No.3521 (with a cover)
Rose 薔薇

No.3037 (kaishi only)
No.3522 (with a cover)
Peony 牡丹

No.3038 (kaishi only)
No.3523 (with a cover)
Five-storied pagoda 五重の塔

No.3039 (kaishi only)
No.3524 (with a cover)
Mt. Fuji 富士山

No.3040(kaishi only)
No.3525 (with a cover)
Yaezakura 八重桜

No.3041 (kaishi only)
No.3526 (with a cover)
Maiko 舞妓

No.3011 (kaishi only)
No.3505 (with a cover)
Birdcage & Rose 鳥籠と薔薇

No.3012 (kaishi only)
No.3506 (with a cover)
Wall clock

No.3013 (kaishi only)
No.3507 (with a cover)
Cameo & Perfume bottle
Iyo washi
Kaishi sheet size
175x145mm, 20 sheets
Cover size
98x150mm (when closed)
PP bag
Made in Japan