Kanazawa Gold Leaf金沢箔

450 years traditional crafts
Gold leaf manufacturing is said to have begun in Kanazawa City in 1593. It was used to decorate spears for the shogun (general), as well as castles, shrines and temples, furniture, and more.
Although gold leaf manufacturing was prohibited around 1820 for a while during the Edo period, people secretly protected and preserved the manufacturing techiques.

Consequently, they refined their technique of balancing high quantity and quallity with limited materials.
Foiling Technique
Minimal Thickness
Coin sized gold plates (pure gold, brass, etc) are hammered tens of thousands of times to a miniscule thickness of only 0.1 microns.
*Thickness of a dollar bill= thickness of 1,000 gold leaf pcs.
Manufacturing gold leaf requires all kinds of factors, including outstanding craftsmanship, materials, and climate. The region and history of Kanazawa have developed the foiling technique into one of Japan's leading traditional crafts.
And now 98% of domestic gold leaf production is carried out in Kanazawa.

The value of Foiling technique by craftsmen
The gold leaf used for all products is handmade by Kanazawa craftsmen using their foiling techniques.
Therefore, each of our products is filled with history and tradition. This is one of the greatest characteristics of Kanazawa gold leaf products and the value we would like to share with you.